Home Bass Fishing 2 Fishing For Bass Tips to Catch Bass

2 Fishing For Bass Tips to Catch Bass

Fishing For Bass 2 Tips That Will Help You Catch More Bass

Fishing for bass does not require you to be an expert angler. It does mean that you will enjoy a day or two spent fishing for bass at your favorite lake, river or pond. When you know how to fish for bass it will be easy to catch a nice bass just about anywhere. You have to know the right time and place where the bass is going to be.

Fishing For Bass 2 Tips That Will Help You Catch More Bass


Fishing For Bass Fishing For Beginners

Bass Fishing For Beginners can be helped by knowing this two simple factors of bass fishing. They will help you catch more fish. By knowing this 2 simple steps of catching bass will help you to catch a lot more bass.

Mastering this two very simple concepts when you are fishing for bass will help you to become a much better fisherman than the rest. It will take from being a novice fisherman to becoming a Pro Fisherman in no time. So let’s talk about this two fishing for bass points to help you along.

How to Fish for Bass?

How To Catch Bass

How to catch bass? (Time and Location are the things you would need). If you can figure out these two things while fishing for bass, it will help you while fishing for bass. I have learned the best way to catch bass are these two simple things. If you have this information while fishing for bass it will become much easier to catch fish and on a consistent basis.

When is the Best Time to Catch Bass? 

The first thing you need to learn when you are fishing for bass is when is the best time to catch bass in your area. If you go fishing often you can keep a tally of when the fish are more active. What time do you start hearing fish jump in the water? At what time of the day did you catch that bass? Was it just as the sun came up, early in the morning, half way thru the day, or right before sunset?

Depending on your location, weather, wind, tides, and other variables the time that you are fishing for bass and actually catching them will vary. Sometimes a difference of even a few miles will affect the time the fish are active. If you do not go fishing as often, you can ask at your local bait shop, your fishing buddies, your friends or in today’s lifestyle you can ask online. There are many bass fishing forums where you can post your questions. Facebook is also another good place to get information. You can also see our other Bass Fishing articles for more tips.

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Where do Bass Live? 

Finding out where do bass live will help you immensely when you are fishing for bass. Here are a few things that will help you figure out where bass can found:

  • Vegetation – Look for places where there is lots of vegetation.
  • Shallow Water – Find a shallow water where bass like to sit and wait for feeding time
  • Structures – Old docks, logs, houseboats, under the docks
  • Shady Areas – Bass like to sit shady under spots. Like a branch that hangs over the water
  • Deep Pools – Find spots that are pretty deep.  The opposite of shallow water in this case.

Depending on your location you may find the above items or you may not, every lake, river, and pond has its own type of places where you can find the fish.

Fishing for Bass Video

Let’s Go Fishing For Bass

Now that we have learned the two fishing for bass steps, it is time to catch that fish. We know the best time to catch bass and we know where do bass live. So it is high time to start fishing for bass. Finding the fish is only half the fun because now you have to figure out a way to entice them out of the water.

Of course with a rod, reel and bait. But wait!!! Which rod, which reel, and what kind of bait or lure will work this time of the day, at this location? And if you use bass fishing lures, which type, color, shape, variation or brand. The questions are many and there are so many ways, techniques, tricks and ways you can present your bait or lure that may land your next bass. But they are easy to learn. Check out our article about Austin Bass Fishing is you are in that area.

What Lures to Use for Bass

What Lures to Use For Bass

There are some that say that a bass angler is just as good as the Bass Lures that he uses. I like to say that this is mostly 50/50 true and it all depends on the angler. Like a boss of mine used to say “Operator Error”, an awesome bass fishing lure is only as good as the person using it. Knowing what lures to use and how to use them when you are fishing bass will either make or break your day of fishing. Did you Know that OLD Fishing Lures could be worth $1000’s of Dollars?

In the market, there are currently thousands of bass fishing lures today and they each vary greatly from one another. When you consider that lures vary from in size, weight, color, shape, and style is no wonder any new angler would be thoroughly confused. Check out our article on Bass Fish Facts that You Did Not Know.

List of Fishing for Bass Lures

Fishing for bass changes almost every day depending on trends as they come and go. Lures come in many variations like:

  • Topwater Lure – This one is the lightest and they float on the water
  • The Worms – They attract the bass by wiggling along in the water
  • Jerk Bait – “A jerk bait resembles a small baitfish (example: shad); usually hard-bodied, sometimes soft plastic, usually with two (or sometimes three) treble hooks.” – Source: Wikipedia.org
  • Craw Cranks – The craw cranks who look like a small crab,
  • Crankbait – “Lipless crankbaits are typically loud and have a slight wobble that attract bass from a mile away. Throw them around rocks or submerged vegetation” – Source: ids.uni.edu
  • Rooster Tails – My favorite are rooster tails.  I have caught plenty of fish with rooster tail lures over the years.

Fishing for Bass Lures Video

Fishing for Bass Challenge

When you are fishing for bass the lures are the link between the angler and the bass. Is the struggle between man and fish as to who will use its talents and instincts the best. The lure may be the cause of death of the fish who took a chance on that shiny thing streaking in front of him. It can also be said that it will either determine if you are a fisherman or not.

When you plan to go fishing for bass today it could turn into an experience that you will not forget. It is a time when you can spend time with family and friends or choose to enjoy some quiet time. Just you and the fish! Have fun fishing for bass!

Wait I DO NOT Have…

Going Fishing for Bass is a fun thing to do on out on the water.  Most people do not have a whole lot of time to enjoy it, let alone to always get all the things you need for your next fishing trip.

No worries, head over to Amazon, order your Fishing Tackle, Gear, Lures, Gloves, or any other type of fishing equipment that you need.  Have it delivered to your door during the week and enjoy your new fishing gear on the weekend. Enjoy Your Next Fishing for Bass Trip with MORE TIME to fish. Talk about a BIG time saver!

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Have a great FREE Fishing Day EveryoneHope you Catch a Whole Lot of Fish!

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