Home Fishing Cool Fish Eating Birds Images and Videos

Cool Fish Eating Birds Images and Videos

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Cool Fish Eating Birds

Fish Eating Birds Images Videos – There is nothing worse or funnier then spending the day fishing and watching a bird eat a fish right in front of you.  Or worse yet, eat the fish that you are trying to land.

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Cool Fish Eating Birds Images and Videos

Cool Fish Eating Birds Images Videos

Nature is awesome to watch, but when you see a bird eating fish right in front of you, when you haven’t caught anything could be a frustrating and funny thing to watch.

In my personal experience, I have had a crane eat my entire bucket of minnows. On another occasion, I had a bird snatch the fish straight from my hook.  I think it was a hawk.  But I’m not totally sure.

Below are fish-eating birds images and videos of birds catching fish doing what they do best… Eat our fish!  Please let us know which one is your favorite in the comments below.

Fish Eating Birds Images

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Watched this bird for nearly 20 minutes trying to eat this fish. This bird fought bravely while trying to eat this fish.  He finally landed it, but it was a fight. Photo by Mathew Schwartz.

Hawk Birds That Eat Fish

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This hawk just came in and scoop its dinner.  I hope it was not from someone’s fishing line. Photo by Justin Clark.

Bird Eating Fish Come in Small Sizes Too

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Birds Eating fish also come in small sizes.  Here is a little bird eating fish.  Photo by Victor Benard

Fish Eating Bird Takes Fish For a Ride

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This hawk either got himself a nice dinner or a passenger.  Fish is just going along for the ride either way. Photo by Keith Luke.

Fish Eating Birds That Ate My Minnows

fish eating bird - birds that eat fish - bird eating fish
Crane Fish Eating Birds Image

This is the type of bird that ate my bucket of minnows that day.  I think I was left  Photo by David Groves

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Fish Eating Birds Videos

We found some videos that you will enjoy.  Is cool to watch a bird fly in and scoop a fish right out of the water.  Or to just sit and wait patiently in the water, and BAM!!!  They got a fish.

Osprey is a bird that eats fish

Fish Eating Birds Video
Awesome video of an osprey that is catching fish. They hover at mid-height, and then plunges down, feet first to scoop fish right out of the water. This is a video by the BBC.

Heron Bird Baits The Water To Catch Fish

Heron Fish Eating Birds
This smart little heron has a cool way to catch fish.  He baits the water and waits for the fish to come close to grab it.

Blue Heron Catches a Big Fish

Fish Eating Bird Video
This Blue Heron catches a catfish and then lets it go.  But he got an even BIGGER fish after that.

Duck Eating A Nice Sized Fish


I never thought of a duck as fish-eating birds, but after watching this video that I found on Facebook, I had to change my mind.  This duck ate a big fish.  I was surprised.

Thank you For Reading Our Post, Cool Fish Eating Birds

Cool Fish Eating Birds - birds that eat fish - bird eating fish
Cool Fish Eating Birds

We appreciate you taking the time to stop by and read our post.  Some of these birds are simply amazing in the way they catch fish.

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Have a great Fishing Day EveryoneHope you Catch a Whole Lot of Fish!

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