Home Fishing Going Fishing? 26 Things NOT To FORGET

Going Fishing? 26 Things NOT To FORGET

Going Fishing DO NOT Forget Things on Your Fishing Trip

Going fishing can be a fun experience for everyone involved.  You can spend the day at the water trying to catch some fish.  Forgetting any of your fishing gear could totally ruin your fishing trip.


When Going Fishing DO NOT FORGET…

On this article, we discuss the thing that you should NOT forget to bring when going fishing.  It really it depends on what exactly it was that you forgot when you decided to be going fishing.

People enjoy going fishing for the scenery and just get out for some fresh air.  Now if you leave something back at home, it could turn a fun trip into an uncomfortable day, to say the least.

This is a live post, I keep adding and updating things to this post.  If you see something missing on the list please let me know in the comments.  Here is our list of the items that you should NOT forget when going fishing:

Fishing Bait

Don’t forget the Fishing Bait. You would think this is a silly thing to say.  But you would be surprised how many people in the excitement of their fishing trip, neglect to bring the bait. So make yourself a note NOT to be going fishing without your bait.

On the other hand, you know whats going to happen when you get there and you forgot the bait… You will find that fishing spot just full of fish and YOU sitting there with no bait.  You will be so mad at yourself.

Fishing License

Do not forget your fishing license when going fishing

Forgetting your fishing license will cost you.  And in some cases, it may cost you a lot.  Anything from 100’s to 1000’s of dollars depending on the location where you are trying to catch fish.  In some states in America, you may lose all your tackle, your boat and sometimes even your car.  So do not take the chance. Don’t leave it at home.

Here are some tips that may help when going fishing:
Lucky Fishing Shirt Do Not Wash

  • Get yourself a favorite going fishing shirt – Having one shirt or jacket that you WILL always use while going fishing.This will also help you to not to forget your fishing license. Attach the license to the shirt.  You can usually find a plastic container with a clip where you can attach the license to the shirt.
  • Take a pic of your fishing license – When you get your license, take a picture of it with your phone.  It may not be the actual license, but in the event that you do not bring it with you, you will have something. Make sure that the picture clearly shows the license number.
  • Fishing Boat Keys and License go Together – If you are going fishing in your the boat make sure these two things are not left behind. A good way to do so is to attach the boat keys to the fishing license in some way.  Perhaps use the same clip for your favorite Going Fishing Shirt.

Cell Phone

Forgetting your cell phone in today’s society is a no-no.  You can do an array of things with your phone. and we have become used to its many features.  Directions, calculator, camera, social media, surf the web, play games and many other things.  Yes, you can also call someone with them.  And in an emergency is a good thing to NOT leave behind.

Here are some things that may help you:

  • Get GPS Ahead of Time – If you are planning a fishing trip, GPS the directions the day before. This way you will MUST LIKELY not leave your phone behind.
  • Stock-up on Extra Batteries – If you are fishing for bass on a boat or from shore, having a place to charge your phone may not be available.  You can buy battery packs that will charge your phone. An alternative option is a rechargeable solar charger. Our post on the Top 10 Awesome Fishing Gadgets may be useful.
  • Write Down the Phone Numbers – Do you remember EVERY phone number on your phone?  Most people are lucky if they remember 2 phone numbers, let alone the one you need in an emergency. Write down your most used numbers and put them in your wallet, or inside a zip-lock baggie in your tackle box.

Fishing Tackle Box

I can’t remember how many times I have been in this spot.  You would think that a tackle box, with all your fishing gadgets and fishing lures, is something that you would not miss.  WRONG!!!  There was a time I ended up leaving the lake, to go to the local bait store to get some tackle.  I was so embarrassed, is something I don’t usually talk about.  Can you blame me?

Fishing Rods

It has happened to all of us, its 2 in the morning, you barely have one eye open.  There is not enough coffee in your system.  You hook up the boat, throw the tackle in, place the cooler in the truck bed.  And in your haste and tiredness, you neglect to bring the fishing poles.  Trust me, I know.  I have done it.

In case you have this predicament, always remember that the fishing pole is optional.

If you have a fishing line, hook, and bait, you can still fish.  It will just be a bigger challenge than before.

Going Fishing? Don’t Forget the Boat

Do Not Forget The Boat When Going Fishing today

You would think this could not happen.  Well, let me tell you it does.  In this case, I can say this has not happened to me, yet. But I know of people who have been so excited to be going fishing they have climbed into the truck and forget to hitch the boat.

In another occasion, someone, I won’t say no name, forgot to strap the boat properly.  Long story short, there was NO boat when we arrived at the lake.

Boat Equipment You Should NOT Forget

Boat Equipment You Should Not Forget When Going Fishing

The boat is not the only thing that people forget though. What are some of the boat equipment that you should not forget when going fishing? Depending on the boat that you are using the requirements could vary. Here are some boating equipment that should not be left behind:

  • Boat Keys – Make sure you know where the keys are before you head out on this fishing trip
  • Boat Plug – Do not forget to bring it and more importantly to put it on the boat
  • The Battery – If you are charging your battery the night before, do not forget to put it back in the boat
  • Anchor – When you toss the anchor over the rail, make sure the end of the rope is attached to the boat
  • Paddles – Being in the middle of the lake with technical difficulties, having those boat paddles could save you
  • Life Jackets – Some states required it, but even if they don’t, it is always a good idea to have them.  Make sure they are tight fitting and that there plenty for everyone
  • Fishing Net – A fishing net will come in very handy when you are going fishing, especially if you are on a boat. It will be a lot easier to land the fish on this fishing trip
  • Extra Rope – NEW – Added 8-9-18 – Make sure to bring some extra rope.  I once lost an anchor with ALL the rope.  It just felled overboard and even tough I had an extra anchor… I did not have an extra rope.  Another thing that could happen is that your regular rope breaks.  So it will be a good idea to bring extra rope.
  • Fuel – Please do not forget to bring fuel for the boat. You may end up stranded in the middle of the lake.  Bring extra, to be safe.  My personal rule of thumb… If I think I got enough fuel for the fishing trip… I get more!

Your Fishing Trip Buddy

Now this one is even funnier than the tackle box, the anchor and the fuel stories.  When your buddy drives up the ramp to park the truck and trailer… DO NOT take off on the boat and leave him behind on the dock. Especially if he has the beer 🙂

Toilet Paper

Do Not Forget The Toilet Paper When Going Fishing

Now the toilet paper is not a fishing equipment per se, but, if you forget it and you need it your fishing trip could be a really bad one.

A Few Tips That Would Help

  • GO before the trip – If you are bank fishing there is always a bush or a tree close-by.  But when you are in a boat, well is not that easy to find a place to land, especially if you are doing the poo-poo dance
  • Wrap the Toliet Paper – I carry 2 rolls of toilet paper just in case.  I place both inside two separate zip lock bags, and then I add both of this to a larger zip lock bag.  There is nothing worse than wet, dirty, TP when you have to go
  • Will There Be Any Ladies Fishing? – If there are any ladies on your planned fishing trip, do yourself a favor and double up on the amount of TP you will be bringing while going fishing.  Just to be safe and as a courtesy to the lady who took the time to be going fishing with you on your fishing trip
  • Having a Lady Present Bonus Feature – If possible, buy a 4×8 tarp, cut it in half, long ways, tie the ends together and you can now set up a mini privacy screen for the lady of this fishing trip.  Trust me, she will love you for it

Going Fishing You Need Food And Drinks

If you are planning on going fishing all day, you will not only need all of the fishing equipment. But, you will also need to make sure that you have enough drinks and grub to last you thru the day.

  • Food – Plenty of food, sandwiches, chips, fruits, snacks or whatever you choose
  • Water – Been out in the sun and the elements make sure to have plenty of drinking water
  • Beer – Usually drinking beer and fishing go hand in hand.  On a good day!

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First Aid Kit

Someone requested that I added this to the list and it makes sense to have it.  A First Aid Kit will be a nice thing to have along with you when you are going fishing.  On any fishing trip, we have the risk of a fall, a scrape, a cut or on occasions hate to say it or even think about it… Being hooked instead of the fish.

You can find some really basic ones and some with everything but an operating table.  Regardless of which one you get is better to have something with you on any fishing trip.

Other Things Needed When Going Fishing

Here are some other things you may not want to leave behind when you are going fishing.

Pen and paper – Fishing GlassesFishing Hats – Any medicine you may need – Fishing Gloves, 25 a good book – oh I could go on.  Please let us know what other things YOU would hate to forget in the comments below.

Let Someone Know You Are Going Fishing

Let Someone Know You Are Going Fishing

If you decide at 5 am to just NOT go to work and that going fishing sounds like a much better way to spend your day. (Which I personally do not blame you) Please do not keep it a secret.

Being all alone in the water without someone knowing your general location can bring a lot of unnecessary drama.  If no ones know where you are, people will start freaking out.

The cops will be called, the morgue will be searched and the local hospitals will be contacted as well, in an attempt to find you.

And when you finally come back, after a happy day of going fishing, people will be relieved that you are safe and sound, but, they will not like you much for a minute.

Things That Would Help

  • Make sure to tell your wife, your fishing buddy, a family member, someone!
  • Let them know how long you’ll be gone and planning on returning
  • You can also post a piece of paper on your vehicle’s dashboard with this information
  • If you can’t tell anyone, at least leave a note in a place where it can be seen

Whichever way you decide to do it, it will be very much appreciated by your loved ones and friends.  So please Tell Someone you are going fishing.

Going Fishing Mini Check List

Someone requested a checklist so I made this one really quick.  It does not have all of the things that you may forget on your fishing trip, but it’s better than nothing I would think. You can maybe print this image and place it on the dashboard of your car, so you can see it in the morning before you head out on your fishing trip. I hope it helps you NOT TO FORGET things on your next fishing trip.  If you did end up using it please let me know how in the comments below.

Going Fishing Trip Check List
Going Fishing Trip Check List

Wait I DO NOT Have…

Going Fishing is a fun thing to do on out on the water.  Most people do not have a whole lot of time to enjoy it, let alone to always get all the things you need for your next fishing trip.

No worries, head over to Amazon, order your Fishing Tackle, Gear, First Aids Kit, Lures, Gloves, or any other type of fishing equipment that you need.  Have it delivered to your door during the week and enjoy your new fishing gear on the weekend. Enjoy Your Next Fishing Trip with MORE TIME to fish. Talk about a BIG time saver!

Fishing Tackle Box - Going Fishing Trip
Stock Your Tackle Box The Easy Way with Amazon

Enjoy Your Day Going Fishing

Going Fishing DO NOT Forget Things on Your Fishing Trip
Going Fishing DO NOT Forget Things on Your Fishing Trip

We hope you have enjoyed this fishing article Going Fishing? DO NOT FORGET Your Fishing Gear on Your Next Fishing Trip. If you like this post please SHARE IT, this helps us out a lot. Comments are also extremely appreciated.

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Have a great Fishing Day EveryoneHope you Catch a Whole Lot of Fish!

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