Home Fishing Top 10 Reasons Fishing Is Good For Your Health

Top 10 Reasons Fishing Is Good For Your Health


Is Fishing Good For Your Health? Why fishing is good? There are many health benefits of fishing and in this article, we will discuss the reasons why fishing is good for your health.

So before you take a trip to the water to go fishing, take a good look at the benefits of fishing for your health.

  • Fishing Can Help Reduce Blood Pressure
  • Fishing Gives You a Reason To Stand Up
  • Fishing Helps You Burn Calories
  • Fishing Sharpens Your Mind
  • Eating Fish for Dinner Is Healthy
  • Go Fishing for a Cardio Workout
  • Fishing Will Increase Your Vitamin D Intake
  • Fishing Makes for Fun Times with Friends
  • Fishing Improves Your Self Esteem
  • Fishing is Healthy Family Fun

Fishing is a very relaxing hobby and activity. Since a fisherman is always close to nature, the peacefulness and calmness of the surroundings help him de-stress.

Apart from that, fishing is believed to have some health benefits for the human body as well. Read more about them below…

Is Fishing Good for Your Health

Fishing is Good For Your Health. There are many health benefits of fishing and in this article, we will discuss the reasons fishing is good for your health.

Why is fishing good for you? Not many people understand that fishing provides emotional, mental, and physical benefits.

Fishing is an activity that a lot of folks ignore. Most of them tend to overlook it because it seems to have no benefit at all.

If you have not taken the time to experience this outdoor activity, then you perhaps don’t know the health benefits of fishing that are associated with this sport.

This is why we seek to raise awareness by highlighting the various fishing health benefits that people who fish often enjoy.

Why fishing is good? These are just some of the reasons that is Fishing Good For Your Health, you can enjoy the excitement of luring in a large fish.

So escape to the river and discover where the real action is. It all begins with a scenic ride to deeper water, a relaxing wait and, the battle and then triumph.

Fishing Can Help Reduce Blood Pressure

Fishing Can Reduce Blood Pressure - Is Fishing Good For Your Health
Fishing Can Reduce Blood Pressure – Is Fishing Good For Your Health

Is Fishing Relaxing? Taking the time to find a cool fishing place and to enjoy nature will help to reduce your blood pressure.

Although the exact reasons why it happens are still unclear, I think it is because you get to relax, sit back and have a moment to breathe to yourself.

High blood pressure or hypertension as it sometimes refers to can cause a series of serious health problems and put you in danger of having a stroke or heart attack.

While there are medications that doctors can use to help lower blood pressure, many of them have negative side effects.

I do not think you have to spend 8 hours in the water to enjoy these benefits: scientists have confirmed that, while spending more time outdoors is better, it takes roughly 30 minutes each week to improve blood pressure and general health.

Fishing Gives You a Reason To Stand Up

Fishing Gives You a Reason To Stand Up - Is Fishing Good For Your Health
Fishing Gives You a Reason To Stand Up – Is Fishing Good For Your Health

A lot of us spend too much time sitting, according to healthcare scientists.

In fact, it is believed that more than half of the average American’s day has been spent sitting down, this is not good for our health.

Too much sitting (more than 8 hours per day) is associated with an 18 percent increase in the probability of dying from cardiovascular conditions and a 17 percent increase in the probability of dying from cancer.

But fishing always requires you to stand up, especially if you are fly fishing into or paddling out to the water to reach deep pools.

If you fish from the bank, you may end up walking a mile or two in search of the best fishing spot.

So if you know you are sitting too much, get up from the chair and get to the water and start fishing. Trout Fly Fishing Tips for Beginners

Fishing Helps You Burn Calories

Fishing Helps You Burn Calories - Is Fishing Good For Your Health[social_warfare]

Fishing helps you to burn calories in a low impact manner.  A study conducted in 2013 found that about 80% of American adults fail to get the right amount of workouts each week. But inactivity not only leads to obesity but can cause cardiovascular complications, depression, and other diseases. Luckily, fishing helps you check these consequences.

Of course, you will not burn a lot of calories while sitting on a dock with a fishing rod doing 12 ounces curls with your best beverage. But if you are actively fishing, you can burn about 200 calories per hour or more when you fly fishing in a stream, which can be excellent.

Even a relaxing day of bank fishing or pier fishing will require you walking from one side to the other retrieving for hours – all of which burns calories.
And if you are lucky enough to hook a real giant, you will spend a lot of energy trying to land that fish onto the shore, pier or your boat.  Not to mention the excitement of the moment.

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Fishing Sharpens Your Mind

Fishing Helps Sharpen Your Mind - Is Fishing Good For Your Health
Fishing Helps Sharpen Your Mind – Is Fishing Good For Your Health

Fishing has been found to sharpen your mind as you get older. Unfortunately, general cognitive and memory problems occur as we get older. But, one of the best ways to keep your brain healthy and functioning at light-speed is by inspiring it with mentally challenging activities. As we know, fishing often presents innumerable mental challenges that require creative and innovative solutions.

“Physical fitness and mental fitness go together. People who exercise regularly tend to stay mentally sharp into their 70s, 80s, and beyond.” – Source: Health.Harvard.edu

Harvard Health Publications provides an overview of some of the best ways to combat cognitive decline, which is worth reviewing. Their recommendations are fully compatible with fishing.

For example, the first few tips mention that you continue learning, use all your senses and trust in yourself, all three of which you must do to be successful while you are fishing. In addition, fishing is good for your health because is mentally challenging and it also relies on your skills most of the time. This is why the brain benefits from fishing a lot.

Benefits of Fish for Dinner

Having Fish for Dinner Is Healthy[social_warfare]

The question… Is Fishing Good For Your Health? Cannot be answered in full without talking about the benefits of fish in your diet. One of the added benefits of going fishing is that you can catch fresh fish that can be added to your diet.

If you are looking for something healthy to add to your family dinner, having fish for dinner is a quality choice to add to your menu. Some of the health benefits of fish are: Good Natural Source Lean Protein that’s packed full of Omega-3 Fatty Acids.

See What Happens To Your Body When You Start Taking Fish Oil Everyday
These Omega-3 Fatty Acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), will help to reduce blood clots, uneven heart rhythms can be stabilized, and your blood pressure will improve.

Omega-3 Fish Oil - Is Fishing Good For Your Health

What are the benefits of fish oil?  Some of the benefits of Omega 3 Fish Oil In Your Diet Are:

  1. Good For Your Heart
  2. Clear Younger Looking Skin
  3. Prevent Diabetes
  4. Weight Loss
  5. Improved Immunity
  6. Boosting Memory
  7. Fertility

The many benefits of fishing, and having fish in your diet for your health explains why people add fish health benefits to their menu at least twice a week. These people are much less prone to have any major heart conditions or to die from a heart disease.

This article from The New England Journal of Medicine, recommends that you should replace some of your red meats with portions of fish in your diet.

You can also get Omega-3 Supplements from amazon if you are like me and follow the Catch and Release rule.

So go fishing today, catch some fresh fish and add them to your menu or get the supplements to add those fish oil health benefits to your diet.  Your heart will probably thank you for it.

Go Fishing for a Cardio Workout

GO FISHING FOR A CARDIO WORKOUT - Is Fishing Good For Your Health[social_warfare]

We all know that cardio is a must to keep our heart and the rest of our body to function well. Is Fishing Good Exercise?

Fishing is My Cardio T-shirt - Is Fishing Good For Your Health
Amazon Fishing is My Cardio T-shirt

When you go fishing you can get a cardio workout without even knowing it, so yes, fishing can be a good way to exercise.

Although not all fishing activities are the same; if you are sitting down your heart rate will stay very low.

But if you are constantly moving while fishing, you will get the benefits of cardio exercise. And even more, when you land a fish.

This means you can alternate between a relaxed way of fishing and a more active one.

Walking to your favorite fishing spot increases your heart rate as much as a walk around the block.

And certain fishing types such as deep sea and big bass fishing offer a rather strenuous workout better than any weightlifting.

Fishing Increases Your Vitamin D Intake

Fishing Increases Vitamin D Intake - Is Fishing Good For Your Health
Fishing Increases Vitamin D Intake – Is Fishing Good For Your Health

If you’re wondering… What you can do to naturally boost your Vitamin D intake?  There is a very simple answer; fishing! Fishing is a great outdoor activity that can be done to relax while still getting your daily dose of Vitamin D. Going to your local lake or river can be well worth the trip to enjoy a peaceful day fishing and soaking up the sun. Just remember to bring sunscreen if you’re out there for a few hours!

Many people may think that that you need a boat to go fishing but that just isn’t the case. All you really need is a fishing rod, some bait, fishing lures, maybe some fishing gadgets, and access to the shore. Of course, a chair might be a good idea too if you’re planning to spend a while soaking up that sun while you fish.

* Check Out This POST * 10 Unwritten Fishing Etiquette Rules

Fishing is also a great outdoor activity for people who may be older or have a lower tolerance for physical activity. Sitting back, relaxing on a sunny day by the water is a great way for less active people to get some natural, healthy Vitamin D.

While being out in the sun while you’re fishing is the most direct way for you to up that Vitamin D intake, there’s another way fishing can help you increase your Vitamin D levels. Eating what you catch is another great way to get some extra Vitamin D. Most fish are a great source of Vitamin D in your diet. So, if you’re catching any tuna or salmon, be sure to cook those up for some extra Vitamin D.

Fishing Healthy Times with Friends

Fishing Fun Times with Friends - Is Fishing Good For Your Health
Fishing Fun Times with Friends – Is Fishing Good For Your Health

People may think that fishing is a solo activity, but fishing is a great way to have fun with your friends. Sure, you can head off to the lake and fish on your own, but why not grab a few of your buddies and head out together? You could even make a trip out of it, heading off to a lake or river you’ve never been to or camping out at a new lake. Fishing is the perfect relaxing outdoor activity where you can have fun doing an activity and still have fun times with friends.

Instead of going to a crowded bar or loud concert, why not grab some friends and head to the lake for a peaceful day of fishing? You could even take a cooler with some beers or bring a radio to liven up your fishing party if that’s what you’re into. But sitting in some chairs on the shore, laughing with your friends as the sun shines on the lake sounds like a pretty great Saturday afternoon to me.

Not only will you have a blast fishing with your friends, but you’ll also make memories that you can share for years to come. We all have stressful lives in this day and age, so you deserve to make some great memories with some great friends while spending a relaxing day fishing.

Is Fishing Good For Your Health? Fishing is the perfect activity that has many healthy side benefits.  One of the ones that are quite often overlooked is that it can help you build healthy social interactions with friends and family. when you don’t want the hassle of choosing a place for dinner or a movie that everyone agrees on. Fishing is the best way to relax with friends, have a great time, and is good for your health

Fishing Improves Your Self Esteem

Fishing Improves Your Self Esteem - Is Fishing Good For Your Health
Fishing Improves Your Self Esteem – Is Fishing Good For Your Health

Fishing is one of those activities that you can do with a bunch of friends or family or something you can do alone. And sometimes when the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives get to be too much, taking the time for yourself to go fishing on your own.

It has long since been proven that being in nature is a great way to heal your spirit, better your mood, and improve your self-esteem. With the way the world is today, it can be hard to keep your self-esteem up and stay motivated. But fishing offers you a chance to go out on your own and achieve something tangible. Catching that fish, no matter how big or how small will have a great impact on your self-esteem.

This is one of the many reasons we often teach children to fish at a young age. It is not too strenuous an activity, it can be very relaxing, and it improves one’s self-esteem when they finally catch that fish they’ve been working so hard to catch. This has been a method used by generations of people passing on all the benefits that fishing has to offer.

Why fishing is a good hobby? If you’re having a bad day, or bad week and feeling down about yourself, fishing offers a great way to give yourself that boost you need. Being out in nature alone can be a huge help but catching that fish and seeing your hard work and patience being paid off is a fantastic feeling. So, if you’re feeling down on yourself, don’t stay at home and suffer, get out to that lake and go fishing. It’ll be sure to perk you right up.

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Fishing is Healthy Family Fun

Fishing is Healthy Family Fun - Is Fishing Good For Your Health[social_warfare]

Lastly, in this article about Is Fishing Good For Your Health. there is nothing like spending time fishing with the family.  Bring the kids out so that they can spend quality time outdoors and at the same time teaching them a valuable skill. Parents can enjoy some quality time in the water, and kids can learn useful skills. Check out our Top 10 Reasons To Go Fishing Today Post.

Fishing is a healthy family fun occasion for many reasons and it will be good for the overall health of the whole family. Is fishing good for your health? In the case of families health, it can be answered by the fact that the whole family can enjoy the health benefits of fishing and not just for one person.

Fresh air, enjoying nature, walks along the shore, encountering different wildlife, the joy of catching that fish, cardio exercise, and calories burned by everyone are some of the fishing health benefits that the whole family will enjoy. Not to mention the lasting memories that this day fishing will create.

Thank you for Reading our Is Fishing Good For Your Health Post

Is Fishing Good For Your Health - Fishing Health Benefits
Is Fishing Good For Your Health

Why fishing is good? If you want to live a healthy lifestyle, knowing that Fishing is Good For Your Health due to its many health benefits.

We could go on and on concerning the health benefits of fishing as there are multitudes of them.  So to answer the question… Is Fishing Good For Your Health? Yes! Fishing is very good for your health. Will fishing be good tomorrow or will fishing be good tonight we don’t know these things, but we do know that you should make sure to make fishing one of your outdoor physical activities for a better health.

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