Home Fishing Top 10 Reasons To Go Fishing Today

Top 10 Reasons To Go Fishing Today

Top 10 Reasons To Go Fishing Today

Go Fishing today and relax, release some stress, take some alone time, catch fish, get some exercise and help the environment.

Good Reasons To Go Fishing

In this Go Fishing article, we will discuss The Top 10 Reasons to Go Fishing Today.

  1. Fishing Just For The Fun of Fishing
  2. Compete with Your Friends While Going Fishing
  3. Go Fishing to Enjoy Nature
  4. Catch Fresh Fish While Fishing
  5. Enjoy Alone Time While Going Fishing
  6. Learning To Fish is a Good Skill To Have
  7. Help to Keep Wildlife Areas
  8. Go Fishing To Get Exercise
  9. Spend Time With Your Kids
  10. Go Fishing To Release Stress

Read on below for all the details. You can use the Table of contents above to easily reach the points you would like to read.

All simply by you taking a day to go fishing. Fishing is yet another activity that there’s a lot more to it than just sitting with a fishing pole in your hand.

Top 10 Reasons to Go Fishing Video

Human beings are designed in a way that they can hardly survive without an activity. There’s a reason why everything that has life is defined to move and excel and learn.

But then at the same time, the activities are sorted in a way that one likes and the other doesn’t but most of them have benefits that our body adopts without us even knowing much about it.

Fishing is yet another activity that not everyone is a part of and finds boring and time taking.

There’s a lot more to fishing than just sitting with a rod in your hand here are the top 10 reasons why you should go fishing.

Fishing Just for the Fun of Fishing

Go Fishing Just for the Fun of It

It’s Fun to Go Fishing! Do we all remember our fathers took us to go fishing every Friday or Sunday? Yes, we all do.

In the beginning, it must have sounded and looked tiring and boring but the truth is as you indulge in this you are going to find it more than just fun.

The feeling you get when you go fishing and get your first catch is truly unexplainable.

The more you go fishing the more you will learn and improve your fishing skill and you will catch fish more often than not.

According to an article in Wisconsin-MadisonIn developed countries, one in 10 people fish for pleasure. There are roughly 220 million recreational anglers in the world, or five times more than the number of people engaged in commercial fishing.

Compete with Your Friends While Going Fishing

Go Fishing to Compete with Your Friends

Who Catches the Biggest Fish Competition is a usual way that my brother and friends use to compete.

The person who gets to catch the monster fish of the day gets bragging rights.  Till next the next time, we go fishing.

It’s not about putting a bet on everything and it’s not always about sticking to the multiplayer gaming and showing each other your top score and sticking to the screen only to get more and more.

Sometimes one has to go out and take nature to their side and then give rise to much-needed competition.

Another way of challenging your friends is to see who catches the most fish that day.

Regardless of which challenge you choose, the outcome is the same.

A fun day at the water with friends… and hopefully fish to bring home.

Go Fishing to Enjoy Nature

Go Fishing to Enjoy Nature

When you go fishing you get to be closer to nature in a way that a television show or a video will not do.

You are going to get lots and lots of fish and are always going to manage to do so.

But at the same time, you will be able to spend time with the wildlife and nature the way you have never been.

You might get to see the birds and other animals that are not visible in daily life and that is a good chance to get closer to the wildlife.

There are many wildlife refuges and public lands all over the world in both rural and urban commodities which are great locations to go fish but they also allow you to enjoy the outdoors.

Catch Fresh Fish While Fishing

Go Fishing To Catch Fresh Fish

Many people around you might not be a big fan of seafood, even though fish are filled with the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and oils that are actually good for you.

” The American Diabetes Association, the American Heart Association, and the federal government’s dietary guidelines all recommend that we eat fish twice a week. ” – Source: health.harvard.edu

Another good reason to go fishing, catch your own fish and bring it home for dinner is that you will save money.

Now you do not have to go to the supermarket to get dinner.

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Enjoy Alone Time While Going Fishing

Enjoy Alone Time While Going Fishing

Get some time to yourself away from everyone and everything. 

Another very important thing that you are going to get when you go fishing in solitude.

Not everyone finds it fun but sometimes being with yourself is all you need.

It’s a perfect source of clearing your mind and letting it all get out of your system for once.

You can sit down and even think because the fish are never in a hurry and patience is the game.

When you get this much time alone your mind can relax and you have time to think in peace.

Learning To Fish is a Good Skill To Have

Learning To Fish is A Good Skill

Knowing How To Catch Fish is a Good Skill to Have.

When you go fishing, isn’t as useless as it looks to many other people.

Just imagine if you’re stuck somewhere and you are out of food.  What would you do?

This is a prime survival skill and not everyone is used to it. And very few can even come close to mastering.

The techniques date back to as old as humanity does but still, not everyone has this skill to catch fish and doesn’t know its technicalities.

Learning to fish is something you can add up to your personality and it is a very good reason alone to go fishing.

Check out our list of Top 10 Helpful Fishing Books To Read.

Help to Keep Wildlife Areas


When You Go Fishing You Donate to Conservation. A portion of the fees paid towards your fishing license goes to the conservation departments in most states.

They also make sure that all the laws are being followed and that the wildlife is being protected.

This will allow us to enjoy nature at its finest for many generations.

With your fishing license, you can catch a fish, get out of the house, maybe take a break and release some stress and many other reasons.

A good thing about the cost of the license is that the revenue created helps the environment.

This is you, trying to pitch in your part to do as much as you can to protect the environment, protect the only inhabitable planet known to man.

Check out our post on 10 Fishing Etiquette Rules That No One Talks About.

Go Fishing To Get Exercise

Go Fishing To Get Exercise

You can Exercise When you Go Fishing. 

A lot of people might disagree with this point because fishing probably doesn’t give you cramps or isn’t considered to be as vigorous as your gym.

At the same time when you have to bring the muscles in the move to go and hike on the places only to get fish.

That will do enough for your body than any other thing.

It really is a moderate workout routine that everyone can adopt and keep themselves in shape.

“Exercising out in nature has its benefits because it has the emotional component to it. You might get a better endorphin kick,” – Source: hss.edu

Spend Time With Your Kids

Go Fishing Spend Time With Your Kids Fun Day

When you take the time to go fishing with the kids you will build lasting memories

There is no greater joy than to take your kids on a fishing day trip. Especially if it’s their first time.

The joy of teaching them how to cast, how to hold the fishing rod, and how to wait for the fish to bite.

Now when they catch that first fish it is a moment that you will treasure for life.

And that is something you don’t get every day. This is arguably a perfect way to bond with your children and teach them the basics of life.

According to a University of Nebraska article “Fishing with your kids can offer benefits to both mental and physical health, while strengthening family connections and teaching life skills.

Go Fishing To Release Stress

Go Fishing To Release Stress

If you take the day to go fishing it could be very beneficial for your overall health.

When you see the ripples being made in the water; the sun going down on the horizon; different birds chirping; a fish just jumped in the water.

That scene will help you relax and release some of the stress we all carry.

Sitting down to go fishing, you set up your bait or lure and cast the line in the water.

Now you can sit back and relax. This helps to release stress because, for just a minute, you do not have anything to worry about.  Just the end of that fishing pole.

Believe it or not, fishing is a great way to relax and have a good time. Whether you’ve never caught a fish before or you’re a pro, head to a lake or river for a fun day reeling in some fish.” – Source: ccu.edu

In addition according to a Harvard Medical article “The Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation describes fly-fishing as a natural stress reliever because fly anglers are surrounded by nature, unplugged from electronics, and distanced from the so-called real world.

Why Do You Go Fishing?

Go Fishing Today

Here we have listed 10 good reasons to go fishing today.  Which one is your favorite?  Can you add any to the list?

Please let us know any comments or questions about this post in the comments below.

Thank you for Reading Our Go Fishing Post

Top 10 Reasons To Go Fishing Today

Going out on a fishing adventure allows you to create unique bonds with yourself, nature, loved ones and friends.

There are several ways in which people might bond with shared waterborne experiences.

As you sit on the riverbank, catching fish, you’ll feel a sense of peace and calm that will help you forget even the most complex difficulties and anxieties, transporting you to a faraway land far from the sufferings of the artificial world we’ve constructed for ourselves.

Forging lasting friendships with fellow anglers is possible when you share the excitement of a first catch or the breathtaking beauty of a new waterway.

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Have a great Fishing Day EveryoneHope you Go Fishing and Catch a Whole Lot of Fish!

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