Home Fishing AWESOME Fishing Spots in America To Visit

AWESOME Fishing Spots in America To Visit

AWESOME Fishing Spots in America To Catch Fish

Fishing Spots in America if you are an avid fisherman like me local fishing spots are nice, but sometimes you would like to try some new fishing spots in America Where you have not fished yet.

Good Fishing Spots in USA to Catch Fish

Good fishing spots that we would like to make it to one day and go fishing and catch that big fish.

There are many places that we would love to make it and cast our lines and try them out.

Here is our list of the Best Fishing Spots in America that we would like to make it to someday.

We have all come across fishing hot spots every now and then that we would love to fish in one day.

Finding good fishing spots is an art that not everyone possesses and at the same time is something that needs to be learned.

There are fishing spots and good fishing spots the difference is in the quality of your fishing experience that you will get between one fishing spot and the next.

Finding good places to go fishing that you have never been to before will have you bringing your fishing A-Game out of you.

Being in a new fishing spot you will have to use all of your fishing skills, experience, and knowledge against this new fishing spot.

One of the main and most important factors is the places you choose for fishing because the fish is definitely not working according to our schedule.

We will have to use all of our fishing skills against the good places to go fishing that you have made it to.

Here is the rundown of the Top 10 Best Fishing Spots in America.

Chesapeake Bay Fishing

Chesapeake Bay Fishing Spots Video
We’re going to begin our list with the Top 10 Best Fishing Spots in America in Maryland in the East Coast.

The Chesapeake Bay Fishing gives everything possible to all of the fishermen that would like to try this fishing spot.

This area natural resources are so good for the local fish that it really makes them grow and remain in the same spot.

Rockfish that is otherwise known as the striped bass, bluefish, and trout alongside flounder and croaker are on the list if you choose this place for fishing. Chesapeake Bay Fishing Map.

I was in the Chesapeake Bay this past winter visiting my mother in Hampton and family members in the area.

It was too cold and the wrong season, but I still caught some fish.  🙂

Lake Saint Clair Fishing

Next is Michigan and if you’re a big fan of catching Muskie then this should be your pick for sure.

The entire Lake Saint Clair fishing spots area spreads around 430 square miles and is responsible for attracting hundreds of people all over the year.

This is one of the best fishing spots to catch bass in the area. You have the option to get a charter boat.

The best benefit of this is that the charter crew will take you to the best fishing spots in the area.

You can catch a lot of fish in just a few of hours and that is why everyone loves the place. Lake Saint Clair Fishing Map.

Lake of the Woods Fishing

Yes, lots and lots of woods are responsible for this lake to be called the Lake of the Woods but at the same time, we are quite surprised why it was never named as Lake of the Woods Fishing Spots.

This lake enjoys a very good reputation for ice-best fishing spots and is huge in size so you have plenty of options and room to express yourself as well.

If you seriously doubt your luck here, then you can simply count the number of bald eagles that love this place for their food. So why not you? Lake of The Woods Fishing Map

Kobuk River Fishing Spots

Let’s talk about Alaska and it is the Kobuk River fishing for everyone who would like to try some good fishing spots in an amazing location.

The river is as long as 200 miles and there’s no surprise why it is named Kobuk because, in the language that is used there, Kobuk means “Big River”.

You can get arctic grayling, lake trout, arctic char, chum salmon and northern pike here but that is not what is the specialty. It’s the sheefish that you need to target for. According to wikipedia.org – “Stenodus nelma, known alternatively as the nelmasheefishinconnu or connie, is a commercial species of freshwater whitefish in the family Salmonidae“.

They are truly a challenge and since they are very powerful they are going to give you a good fight. Kobuk River Fishing Map.

Kobuk River Fishing Spots Video

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Fishing Thousand Islands

Since the list is all about giving you the best fishing spots in America, we really would prefer not to stick to the same spot again and again and if you’re in New York, definitely no one is going to prefer going out of the state so frequent.

So on the eastern edge of Lake Ontario, like very eastern edge you are going to find the St. Lawrence River you will be able to find 1,800 tiny fishing Thousand Islands of phenomenal freshwater fish. Bass, salmon, walleye, northern pike and muskellunge are the fish you can enjoy with here. Fishing Thousand Islands Map

Martha’s Vineyard

Now let’s talk about Massachusetts’s finest fishing spots. Martha’s Vineyard is a place that will provide you fun and flexibility both at the same time.

Because the place is perfect for people who are looking for some seriously good fishing spots, we had to let you know about it.  You can have good luck in these awesome good places to go fishing whether you are fishing from your boat or if you decide to do some shore fishing.

While you are there you may be able to attend Martha’s Vineyard fishing derby that happens every year. “The Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby is a five-week fishing tournament, but that description doesn’t really do it justice. The derby, which has been held annually since 1946, is no mere fishing contest. It is, depending on the participant, a quest, a near-religious event, a self-affirmation, or just a chance to prove you can catch the biggest fish.” – Source: utep.edu

On any day you will be able to catch as much bass as possible in a very short time.  A dream come true fishing spots for many fishermen. Martha’s Vineyard Fishing Map.

Bighorn River Fishing Spots

Wait, are you a fly fishing enthusiast? And you’re looking for heaven-sent fishing spots of such quality that you would go right now if you could? Bighorn River fishing in Montana is an all-time place where you can be and fulfill your wish.

Since there is a need to maintain the quality of the fisheries all of the people are expected to let go the trout once they have used all of their techniques in catching it. Most importantly if you have an extra buck in the wallet you can go to Forrester’s Bighorn Resort where a proper fishing guide is present and you can improve the skill as you go. Bighorn River Fishing Map

Bighorn River Fishing Spots Video

Fishing Spots in Kona

Hawaii is, in general, one of the world’s best fishing spots let alone in America and there are plenty of reasons why. Just think about it, an island in the middle of the ocean surrounded by water would make some awesome fishing spots for anyone that likes to fish.  I know I would like it.

Fishing in Kona it is without a shadow of a doubt the most famous sports fishing capital of the state and has Tuna, Mahi Mahi, and also Ono for you to catch. Not only would you get to enjoy amazing fishing spots, whether in a boat or from the shore, you will also get to enjoy some breathtaking views of this beautiful island. Fishing in Kona Map.

Auѕtin Texas Fishing

Austin Bass Fishing

Austin, the capital of Texas,  and the seat of Travis County it has come to be categorized as one of the best fishing spots in Texas.  When you consider that, as well as fishing in general, can be phenomenal due to the long, warm season, and the very popular Lake Austin and the Colorado River makes for fishing spots that should not be missed.

The people are very friendly and the fishing spots available are many.  Lakes, rivers, and dams near and around Austin make for easy access to most types of fishing any time of the year. You may have a hard time choosing which one of these fishing spots you are fishing in today.

There are great facilities and friendly people, so you could ask for nothing more! It is perfect for a relaxing fishing vacation seemingly at any time of the year.  The only difficulty you will have is choosing where you want to fish! Check out our article on Austin Bass Fishing for more info.

Florida Keys Fishing

And our Number 1 Top 10 Best Fishing Spots in America stands tall as one of the best fishing spots of all time.  Florida Keys fishing has many options to choose from.  It’s no wonder anglers from all over the world would drool for a chance to fish here.  What about you?

Bonefish, permit, redfish, snook or tarpon are some of the top fish that you can catch at this destination. If you end up having a bad fishing day you can still get some fresh fish from the local restaurants. Florida Keys Fishing Map.

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AWESOME Fishing Spots in America To Catch Fish
AWESOME Fishing Spots in America To Catch Fish

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Have a great Fishing Day EveryoneHope you Catch a Whole Lot of Fish!

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